Resolve Chlorhexidine Gluconate Exterior Cleansing Gel
Resolve Chlorhexidine Gluconate Exterior Cleansing Gel

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CONDITION: Implant sites with inflammation after healing cap is removed.
SOLUTION: Resolve it BEFORE it happens!

For use beneath implant crowns, implant healing caps, crew-retained crowns, temporary restorations, traditional crowns and bridges.

Comprised of hydrophilic resins & a balance of hydrophillic & hydrophobic fillers making it extremely strong. Optimum properties for sealing and excellent tooth wetting.

• Controllable gel for placement only where needed.

• Flock tip applicators for surface scrubbing.

Kit: 2 x 1.2 mL Syringes + 10 Flocked Applicator Tips, DFU
Shade: Pink