Jazzy Encore
Jazzy Encore
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Final Finish & Seal for Acrylic Appliance

For use on Jazzy All-on-# overdentures and pick-ups, temporary implant seating jigs,
implant transfer jigs, provisional dentures, composites
• Chemically bonds to PMMA acrylics
• Contains methyl methacrylate
• Self-adhesive, chemically bonds to composites
• Extremely strong. Shore A Hardness > 100 (very hard plastic)
• Provides long lasting protection
• No color after curing, great aesthetics
• Cures in lab light ovens, such as:
Dentsply - Triad, Keystone - ProCure, SHOFU - Tac light, & all dental wand curing

Kit Includes: 1 x 10 mL Bottle, Applicator Brush, DFU