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Zenith Implant Screw Mask Zenith Implant Screw Mask
89.95 $89.95
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Jazzy Encore Jazzy Encore
Our Price: $99.95
: $89.95
Savings: $10.00
Aura Veneer Cement Aura Veneer Cement
Our Price: $99.95

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Dr. Jan Stannard Inducted in the IADFE, NYC

Dr. Jan Stannard Named a Fellow in IADFE

Dr. Jan G. Stannard, President of Denali Corporation was inducted as a Fellow in the International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics at the Harmony Club, New York City.

The Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics is an honorary service organization whose mission is to foster interdisciplinary relationships and cooperative education in the area of facial esthetics.

Dr. Stannard's research, education and development in the area of dental materials spans over 40 years and boasts over 30 unique dental materials introduced to the dental industry.